Our opening hours are 7.30am – 6.00pm, Monday to Friday.
Closed Public Holidays and for two non contact days per year. We are also closed for approximately two weeks at the end of year until mid January.
Book your tour online at this link or call between 9.00am and 2.00pm, Monday to Friday.
$185 per day or $893 per week for a full time place. Fees reviewed annually.
Fees include morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and snack. Children bring nappies from home if required.
As part of the enrolment process a bond of $2,000 is required. Please see below Terms and Conditions document for further details. Terms & Conditions – view & download here.
Immunisation History Statement
An Immunisation History Statement from medicare is required in order for enrolment to progress. Please see Terms & Conditions document for further details.
Auspiced by Melbourne City Council
Melbourne City Council has been supporting the Centre since 1943 and provides the buildings and grounds maintenance as well as planning and environmental advice.